Sunday, September 25, 2016

A catch up....and best wishes

Hello friends, it has been over a year since my last post. I have been good, doing a little travelling, enjoying the time with my family and working hard to maintain a healthy body and soul.

 This year I had a bit of a bump but it was all good now.  I couldn't be happier to to have a positive outlook for my future.  I am still cooking as you can see the pictures from here and there.


But Most Days, I just want something simple to nourish myself. An overnight oats or a dairy free smoothies for breakfast, an avocado with vegemite on toast or a hearty vegetable soup for lunch, a chicken stir-fry for dinner and not need to mention the awesome fruit.

 This will be my last post at blogger since I am healed and I don't need to dig down to explore what I should be eating.  The best medicine for good health is to be happy and I wish you well. Life is beautiful!