Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Green Tea Muffins (綠茶豆蓉鬆餅)

Green tea and red bean are the perfect match.  The combination creates a subtle flavour when the sweetness of the bean paste blend in with the plain tea flavour making it so special, so Japanese.  If you like green tea, you would like this muffins.  Thinking of green tea, make me think of the Japanese people suffering from the earthquake and tsunami.  Let's hope the country recover very soon, people get back to their life and safe for us to visit again.

Green Tea Muffins
(makes 12)

1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon of green tea powder (Maccha)
1 tablespoon warm milk
2 eggs
2 cup self-raising flour
1/2 cup  caster sugar
1/3 teaspoon salt
red bean paste (store bought)
1/4 cup mix of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds


  1. Melt butter and milk in a saucepan.  Leave it cool for a few minutes then beat in eggs.  Add in flour, sugar and salt and mix well.
  2. Dissolve green tea powder with the warm milk.  Add to the cake mix and stir evenly.
  3. Roll the red bean paste into 2cm round balls.  Set aside. 
  4. Fill the muffin case 1/3 with cake mix, put a red bean paste ball into the middle then fill up the case about 3/4 full.  Sprinkle some sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds over the top.  Bake the muffins in a pre-heated 200c oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked.
(12 個份量)

牛奶 1 杯
牛油 1/2 杯
綠茶粉 1 茶匙
溫奶 1 湯匙
雞蛋 2 隻
自發粉 2 杯
幼砂糖 1/2 杯
鹽 1/3 茶匙
南瓜子和太陽花子 1/4 杯


  1. 把牛油和牛奶放入煲中直至溶化,離火待涼。然後加入雞蛋混和,再加篩過的麵粉,糖和鹽攪拌至剛剛混和為止。
  2. 用溫奶混和綠茶粉成糊,倒入蛋糕糊混好。
  3. 把現成的紅豆蓉揉成 2cm 小圓球, 備用。
  4. 把蛋糊倒入鬆餅紙模直至 1/3 杯滿,放一粒紅豆球到每一個模,然後再加些少蛋糊直至每個模都 3/4 杯滿。最後面上灑上南瓜子和太陽花子,放進預熱 200c 的焗爐烘 15-20 分鐘。

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